Farrier Clinics In Missouri, Oklahoma, Kansas, Colorado And Northern New Mexico.

Randy Cate is a Certified Journeyman Farrier & Member of the Farrier's National Research Center. He is a semi-retired farrier and horse trainer.  He is compassionate and caring when it comes to treating horses, including those that are lame and foundered.

Randy uses a trimming (or shoeing) technique on the hoof that relieves the pain and discomfort of horses that are lame (for a number of reasons, including founder) and has helped get horses back on their feet again, walking and even running. He says its just plain common sense........to him maybe.......after working with horses since 1973. 

Today the focus is on the health of the horses hooves, and providing gentle, dependable care.  Please contact the number below if you have any questions or would like to make an appointment to attend one of his monthly clinics throughout Missouri, Oklahoma, Kansas, Colorado and Northern New Mexico.

You can call Randy at 417-880-3868. 
Check out his website at: http://www.helpmylamehorse.net